Meggie asks
15 years ago
how someone could steal a motorcycle and have the keys to it
latest #20
Meggie says
15 years ago
Cuz Liam is gonna but I cant fiugre out how
Meggie says
15 years ago
Meggie says
15 years ago
I figured the only way would be to jump someone for it in their driveway or something but id like a beter way
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
i just told Meggie a very long complicated suggestion over im
15 years ago
maybe they left them in there... *shrug*
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
involving a fishing rod, lol
15 years ago
or he could jump them for the keys
Meggie says
15 years ago
yeah thats the only thing I can think of, just like, jumping them
15 years ago
or he could pick pocket the guy
15 years ago
have deanna distract him, then liam can take the keys without him knowing
Meggie says
15 years ago
Hmm. My friend suggested to have him 'find' a spare key taped somewhere on it
Abrilina says
15 years ago
lol deanna can ask the guy to lend it to her just for a few minutes
Abrilina says
15 years ago
and never comes back and gives it to liam :-P
Abrilina says
15 years ago
or not
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