saru says
15 years ago
Sigh...I bought an iphone
latest #14
Alicia says
15 years ago
good for you
Marcus says
15 years ago
high tech freak!
Allen Lai says
15 years ago
Nice :-)
mrhowardwang says
15 years ago
hahaha.. now all you need is a macbook. no more lenovo's!! :-P
mrhowardwang says
15 years ago
BTW, how much did you get it for, is it the 3GS?
saru says
15 years ago
83 yen = $1CAD; so i got the 32 GB 3GS ; if i didnt pass the credit check, i would have had to pay around 67000yen for the unit but
saru says
15 years ago
but then i would have gotten 2000 yen rebate everymonth for 2 months if i signed a two year contract
saru says
15 years ago
but since i passed the credit check, i am paying around 960 yen / month for 24 months to buy the iphone with the 2 year contract
saru says
15 years ago
not bad i could have gotten the 3G basically for free
saru says
15 years ago
monthly data is capped at 4500 yen /month
Alicia says
15 years ago
a little bit pricey, don't think we can afford it recently :'-(
mrhowardwang says
15 years ago
it acuatlly sounds cheaper than here in canada.. no? mmm
Douglas says
15 years ago
Terry says
15 years ago
960 yen per month?! so cheap. 4500 yen/month? so expensive! so coplicated
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