Meggie says
15 years ago
so I have a throat infection.
latest #23
Meggie says
15 years ago
And Im completely out of everyhting to drink
Meggie says
15 years ago
My throat is facking KILLING me
Meggie says
15 years ago
But i polished off the rest of the ice tea at dinner. (Including my two bottles of nestea, the three cystal light pitcher ice tea that I
Meggie says
15 years ago
made and poured into now empty nestea bottles, and Chris' icky Goldpeak ice tea)
Meggie says
15 years ago
And my friggen parents left without anything in the house
Meggie says
15 years ago
So all thats left is Milk and Soda
Meggie says
15 years ago
Milk I cant drink being this congested and sick
Meggie says
15 years ago
And Soda burns the hell out of my throat on a good day
Meggie says
15 years ago
im fucked.
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
yeah soda is good, but it does burn
Abrilina says
15 years ago
Juliet says
15 years ago
Water hurts more actually
Juliet says
15 years ago
Meggie says
15 years ago
No tea either, i dont like hot tea anyway really. Sweetened iced tea is where its at haha
Meggie says
15 years ago
i put up a facebook status about an ice tea contest lets see if anyone actually brings me ice tea
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
if only i had a car...
Juliet says
15 years ago
Ahahah I would cept I'm 3 oceans away
🎁GoldenGifts🎁 says
15 years ago
you'd probably be asleep by the time i got there, lol
Meggie says
15 years ago
Abrilina says
15 years ago
okay, there's just one thing left.
Abrilina says
15 years ago
peepee! yumyum
Juliet says
15 years ago
LOL~ it is a good anti bacterial
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