rekram asks
16 years ago
I just marked all as read...did I miss anything??? :-D
latest #78
anjuli says
16 years ago
nah not much, Jaime and I are back from our vacations, kanye west is well being himself, no sex talk yet that I know of...ummm
anjuli says
16 years ago
Jo will be leaving for her vaca in few days
anjuli says
16 years ago
umm...what else?
anjuli says
16 years ago
i marked a lot read too cuz i had like 200 some unread
anjuli says
16 years ago
anjuli says
16 years ago
How are you doing?
rekram says
16 years ago
I'm good. A little on the low side...I've gotta lose weight. DH & I talked about it yesterday. Got me all blue. :-(
anjuli says
16 years ago
aww... (s_cozy)
anjuli says
16 years ago
we're all here
rekram says
16 years ago
I know. I'm going for my walk again today at lunch...eating light...etc. Just bummed, that's all.
anjuli says
16 years ago
know the feeling...
anjuli says
16 years ago
but don't feel bad...just try to think of it as a healthy life rather than a weight loss thing
rekram says
16 years ago
good point. It is. I'll feel better once the weight starts coming off.
anjuli says
16 years ago
yeah and take small steps you have to do everything in 1 day :-)
anjuli says
16 years ago
it will take time
anjuli says
16 years ago
have a plan and follow. I know easier said than done...look at me
anjuli says
16 years ago
but i'm training myself to just take 1 step at a time
Heather says
16 years ago
ah sorry to hear you're feeling down
Heather says
16 years ago
but being down on yourself is the worst thing to do!
rekram says
16 years ago
i know. i'll perk up. i just need to eat better...and exercise. both of which i can do.
rekram says
16 years ago
but apparently i can't use capital letters! (s_LOL)
Heather says
16 years ago
bah capitalization is overrated
Heather says
16 years ago
are you going to count calories or just try to listen to your hunger/body/whatever?
rekram says
16 years ago
i'm going to do sorta whatever...walk at lunch and not eat so much.
rekram says
16 years ago
I had toast this a.m. (80 cal), a cheese stick before my walk, gonna have a Slim Fast shake...then I'll eat a normal, but smaller dinner
rekram says
16 years ago
i always cook for the's hard to eat differently so I'll just eat less, and cook better.
Michelle says
16 years ago
the whole family can eat healthy, that's the way it should be anyway!
Heather says
16 years ago
yep it's not going to hurt the kids or hubby to eat better either!
Heather says
16 years ago
snacking on fruit during the day helps me stay full also
rekram says
16 years ago
absolutely! DH said he needs to do better too...we all do.
rekram says
16 years ago
but I don't cook crazy fat stuff all the time anyway...normally we eat pretty well. Just too much of it!
Heather says
16 years ago
i hear ya
Heather says
16 years ago
portion control is my personal demon
Heather says
16 years ago
I bought a digital kitchen scale and I weigh everything
rekram says
16 years ago
if it's good I usually get a 2nd helping. I'm going to try to avoid that.
Heather says
16 years ago
its crazy and cliched but I use smaller plates and it really does trick me
rekram says
16 years ago
we've tried that too, and it does work. I thought I'd do that tonight...and toss in a salad on the side.
Michelle says
16 years ago
the smaller plate really helps
Heather says
16 years ago
the other thing is making the food "pretty"
Heather says
16 years ago
since I'm normally cooking for just myself I didn't care if i just dumped it on the plate
rekram says
16 years ago
DH will go along with it...we'll do this together.
Heather says
16 years ago
but now I make it look a bit nicer, enjoy it and I'm satisfied
Heather says
16 years ago
that's awesome that he's going to help out
Heather says
16 years ago
support is important
rekram says
16 years ago
another problem is I eat too fast..then don't get full on what I have. I need to slloowww down.
Michelle says
16 years ago
you sound like my twin
Michelle says
16 years ago
I had every single one of those habits (if you add 3rds and 4ths in there that is)
Heather says
16 years ago
what eating in under 5 minutes is bad?
Heather says
16 years ago
rekram says
16 years ago
rekram says
16 years ago
does anyone take a diet pill or supplement or anything? Or do you just watch what you eat & exercise?
Heather says
16 years ago
I totally just count calories, eat very healthy 95% of the time and workout
Heather says
16 years ago
I really feel taht's the only way - if there was a magic pill we'd all be skinny!
rekram says
16 years ago
where again did you decide the calorie amount you can have?
Heather says
16 years ago
this will calculate your calories needed to maintain, obviously to lose you need to do less
Heather says
16 years ago
I find this is a bit high as are most online calculators but it's a good starting point
rekram says
16 years ago
ok. I'll look at it.
Heather says
16 years ago
I'd put in sedentary to get a more accurate count just in my experience even though I've always done at least 30min of exercise a day
rekram says
16 years ago
it says the ideal weight for me is 120lbs. Are you kidding?? Yikes!
Heather says
16 years ago
the ideal weight calculator?
Heather says
16 years ago
yeah mine is 135 but I'm willing to be at 150-160 which is still in the healthy range
rekram says
16 years ago
yeah. Ideal weight. I'd be happy (happier) at 140-150. That's where I was when DH & I met.
rekram says
16 years ago
I need to lose 30-40 lbs I least 25. Not sure what I was the last time I weighed.
Heather says
16 years ago
It's doable just takes some time to adjust and making time for yourself to get exercise
rekram says
16 years ago
I think if I can get in the habit of walking at lunch it will help - definitely. It's easier to do here instead of when I get home.
Michelle says
16 years ago
where in the site is the ideal weight calc?
Michelle says
16 years ago
Heather says
16 years ago
woman you're at the "ideal weight"
Heather says
16 years ago
I think lunch is a great time to workout
Heather says
16 years ago
I sweat like a 500lb man though so I stick to before/after work and just take a short lunch
rekram says
16 years ago
luckily I work alone. and the walk around southpark is almost 2 miles.
Michelle says
16 years ago
I'm a sweater too. And I get the serious red face.
Michelle says
16 years ago
I'm not ideal, yet. But I will get there!
Heather says
16 years ago
oh the red face is the worst
Heather says
16 years ago
there's one gym attendant that always asks me if i'm okay
Heather says
16 years ago
i don't know how many times I have to tell her it's genetic and trust me while I look like I'm dying I'm okay
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