15 years ago
went to movie to see "Duplicity", and thought it's so deceitful in business world....XD
latest #6
史蒂芬周 says
15 years ago
you should go read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
Lily says
15 years ago
yup i guess it's a good movie but not sure. if you go to see it, tell me about how you think!
jasurfer says
15 years ago
it is a totally wonderfully made movie, witty script, great acting, delightful plots, and the lines so beautiful....
jasurfer says
15 years ago
"i thought you even when i am with you..." every阿宅should learn how to talk like that to your sweet heart..... :-D
davidtea says
15 years ago
結局超囧的 阿哈哈哈
jasurfer says
15 years ago
yes, hahaha, but i love the ending, specially the chairs, the cleaning crew, and the champaign :-D
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