clairepearse says
15 years ago
afternoon everyone.... been kinda productive. But I'm coming to a grinding halt. I find description writing such a nightmare.... (doh)
latest #23
15 years ago
but you do it so well :-)
clairepearse says
15 years ago
Bless you..... (girlkiss) you are a hun! I wish..... but the bottle of Shiner is helping me along the way at the moment *lol*
Misti Kallas says
15 years ago
shiner bock! would help me write better!
clairepearse says
15 years ago
This is a Shiner Hefeweizen..... cold from the fridge - boy did I need it..... tempted to have another (drinking)
15 years ago
:-D (drinking)
Misti Kallas says
15 years ago
Willow says
15 years ago
Willow says
15 years ago
I have the most trouble with naming the piece usually, although writing them descriptions is a pain
Misti Kallas says
15 years ago
i just wish i could write good descriptions mine are boring, really boring. i love sheela's and claires descrips.
Willow says
15 years ago
Ditto. I was having fun writing short stories to go with some of my pieces but was told to stick w/the facts in the etsy forums-so I killed
Willow says
15 years ago
my "Willow" stories
Willow says
15 years ago
Just a paragraph in sci-fi/fantasy themes
Gingeroo says
15 years ago
Seems everyone today hates writing descriptions. But I love, love, love reading yours and have to wipe up after I do! (mmm)
hotrodgal says
15 years ago
I LOVE hefeweizen!! Yum!!
Gingeroo says
15 years ago
If I could buy anything in your shop it would be this:
Gingeroo says
15 years ago
But I don't even wear jewelry anymore. Only on special occasions and then they make me get out of my jeans and t-shirt.
Willow says
15 years ago
I wear jeans & a nice t-shirt. I think that would go with most anything, dressy or casual!
clairepearse says
15 years ago
Bless you all.... you've making me blush.... I swear it! I promise you I find writing a complete nightmare. I flunked my english at school
clairepearse says
15 years ago
bigtime!!! Believe it or not, its my daughter (age 7) who helps name my pieces most of the time, so much imagination for someone so little.
Misti Kallas says
15 years ago
good for her, maybe she will follow in your talented footsteps!
Misti Kallas says
15 years ago
if my boys named my pieces they would name them after hotwheels or simpson's or spongebob
Willow says
15 years ago
*wishes her little one was still here to help*
Willow says
15 years ago
my son named some earrings for me the other day!
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