Mika is
15 years ago
wondering whether or not to cut her hair back into a reverse bob like a couple of years ago. I liked it a lot... but... *blushes* I really
latest #21
15 years ago
love it when my hubby pulls my ponytail during sex. (blush)
15 years ago
He won't be able to do that for me with the uber short hair I want... and I dunno if I'll miss my hair....
15 years ago
lol, TMI?
Lee Lee Lover
15 years ago
says DO IT! there's always hair to pull.
15 years ago
But the pulling is not the same. I like the hair on the nape of my neck pulled along with the back of my head. When I cut it the first time
15 years ago
around, it didn't "work" for me.
15 years ago
Too little hair. It'll be short in back and long in front and on the sides. That doesn't feel so good being pulled. (annoyed)
15 years ago
Unfortunately, not for me. :-( I wish it did or this wouldn't be half as big a dilemma for me. Anyway, I still have a few days to decide....
15 years ago
Mm hmm... wait, were we talking about hair? :-D What was the question?
15 years ago
(LOL) Awesome. Yeah, fuck it. I'm gonna cut it because it'll save money and be cheaper to dye. (heart) I just want someone else to cut it so
15 years ago
I don't have to pay for "styling and dye." Turns into kind of a rip off that way. Ppl generally charge way more for styling than a cut and I
15 years ago
personally believe it's just a cut but because it's considered a hair-style it'll cost extra dough. I might just let Liz cut it. She said
15 years ago
she went to beauty school for a couple years..... but I'm a little wary since she went and decided not to make it a profession.
15 years ago
Eh. You have no idea how many people I know now who went but its not their main profession. I have a couple clients who have way better jobs
15 years ago
and only cut hair as a side gig.
15 years ago
Yeah, but Liz tends to stop doing something if she doesn't do it well. And thankfully it's too late for her to try me since my hair appt is
15 years ago
tomorrow morning at 10 am. ^.^ So, I guess it's not really an issue.
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