jae+Dee says
15 years ago
getting scared again...
latest #9
15 years ago
why? (cozy)
15 years ago
y o y? :-o
jae+Dee says
15 years ago
I am a seasonal hypochondriac - it's a chronic spiritual battle that can be overwhelming whenever I hear of good friends die of cancer.
jae+Dee says
15 years ago
dying of cancer... oops grammar booboo
15 years ago
(cozy) but i think God & your friends wouldn't want you to be afraid, so I hope you don't let the fear get the upper hand too long...
jae+Dee says
15 years ago
amen irlsgirl! sharing it with friends also helps me a lot... they HAVE TO PRAY for me kasi, LOLOL and I'm a firm believer that God listens
jae+Dee says
15 years ago
to prayer
irlsgirl says
15 years ago
praying for you now (heart)
15 years ago
offers (cozy)
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