brendaa loves
15 years ago
today, she laughs like idiot for whole day =D
latest #38
x火x says
15 years ago
tdy,she bad mood for whole day
brendaa says
15 years ago
why? someone made her sad?
x火x says
15 years ago
ya..some1 mk ger down
brendaa says
15 years ago
that someone?
x火x says
15 years ago
do u understand wat i say?
brendaa says
15 years ago
not really, hahah, say clearly kay?im stupid
x火x says
15 years ago
lol.."she" mean me..
x火x says
15 years ago
im down for whole day
brendaa says
15 years ago
yeah, i knew, and the someone is that someone..right?
x火x says
15 years ago
ya..we didnt contact each other tdy..
brendaa says
15 years ago
you can contact her first wan what, you still angry with her?
x火x says
15 years ago
u say leh
x火x says
15 years ago
or shud say,im not angry,i cant get angry to the person oso..i just felt dissapointed n down
brendaa says
15 years ago
but just for she couldnt make it or got something else that you havent told me?
x火x says
15 years ago
duno ..i dont know......suddenly maythings come to me
brendaa says
15 years ago
haiz, you're like always got so many problems to worry and make you down =(
x火x says
15 years ago
haiz..maybe im too care abt them
brendaa says
15 years ago
yeah, that's your personality, cant change
x火x says
15 years ago
ya i chg..
brendaa says
15 years ago
yeah, because you stupid what, they dont care about you, you? sad for them =( xim tia nia
x火x says
15 years ago
brendaa says
15 years ago
right or not? hmm?
x火x says
15 years ago
brendaa says
15 years ago
haha, okay lah, clever lah kay?
x火x says
15 years ago
brendaa says
15 years ago
sayang kay? heh
x火x says
15 years ago
feel lk dying....
brendaa says
15 years ago
and dint bother my sayang, hng
x火x says
15 years ago
ok lur..sayang accepted*
brendaa says
15 years ago
then no dying anymore kay?
x火x says
15 years ago
k lur..haizzzz
brendaa says
15 years ago
x火x says
15 years ago
brendaa says
15 years ago
wipe what?
x火x says
15 years ago
brendaa says
15 years ago
=) cheer up, jlan
x火x says
15 years ago
thanks my wife* =)
brendaa says
15 years ago
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