Jwmpayne is
15 years ago
jailbreaking his iphone 3.0
latest #107
i.am moody says
15 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... 3GS?
i.Ota says
15 years ago
15 years ago
hehehe kinsay provider nimo no?
15 years ago
i.Ota says
15 years ago
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
wala pay unlock jailbreak sa ta...
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
bai si Reynan ba soft dev sya?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
vodaphone blackberry ra sila pildi sila sa bid sa iphone 3g.
15 years ago
pwede pud softdev but i think he's an operations guy man guro heheh
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
o2 telefonica ang naka daug diri.
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
cha unsay latest gadget dha sa Japan?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
pwede ka import dha ug skyline?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
nissan skyline?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
barato ra daw dha..used car!
e-Maj says
15 years ago
kamo na pud duty dri sa plurk Bai kay gabii na dri.. :-D
15 years ago
pixelwise: i had the same thought, but i decided to go where my heart is pulling me (LOL)
e-Maj says
15 years ago
mangita sa ko'g makaon Do!
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
ter na meet na nimo ALEX soft dev sa PS3 and psp? physicist daw na sya sa Madrid.
15 years ago
Jwmpayne: heheheh murag daghan kaayo physicist nga nahimong software engr bay... very unlikely... but asa man daw sya nag phd?
15 years ago
and which field?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
nuke physicist daw sya.dont know sa iya whereabout dyud kay ginahunting sya sa sony.naka donate ra ko sa paypal in exchange sulti sad sya.
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
nan, asa ka connected?
i.bad says
15 years ago
asang dapita imo company nan?
i.bad says
15 years ago
pila imo buy iphone john?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
500 Euro pinaka latest ni last week lang na release...
i.bad says
15 years ago
pila in pesos?
i.Ota says
15 years ago
the new iphone 4G 2009?
15 years ago
wa pay 4G oi hahahaha
i.Ota says
15 years ago
oi abi nako na release na?
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
na release na bai ako ang living proof!hahhaha
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
iphone 3gs akoa ter
i.am moody says
15 years ago
is it really *that* fast or just fast?
Shān mǔ says
15 years ago
tagae ko site pra asa ko dwnld ug jlbrk sa 3.0
15 years ago
3GS is just an apple brand. it still uses the same 3G network.
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
its the os 3.0 that makes it faster especially in the safari compared to the previous version. I have tested the 3.0 with ipod touch 1gen.
Jwmpayne says
15 years ago
u have to download a pwnage tool for 3.0. and original 3.0 os from apple fist.
15 years ago
well, when we say 3G, it means a set of standards for mobile telephony that allows faster data transfer. wala pay 4G standard
i.am moody says
15 years ago
the G on apple products usually stands for generation. hence 3G is 3rd generation. 3.0 is the OS version.
i.am moody says
15 years ago
for itouch, the new ones are the 2G with the latest OS 3.0 which now supports bluetooth A2DP in full stereo.
15 years ago
heheh, apple's iphone is actually not cutting edge... they're just good in marketing hype and lots of eye candy for the ordinary user
i.am moody says
15 years ago
well, in the GSM realm, they are behind. underlying hardware is siemens, i think. yes, it's all about the hype and of course the name.
15 years ago
that's why i'm always hesitant about buying Apple products -- very expensive, old features, and too much restrictions on how i can use it
15 years ago
but then again, i'm not part of apple's target market: ordinary users who just want something shiny and cool hehe
15 years ago
and i'd probably buy an iphone if i had extra cash, hehehe
i.Ota says
15 years ago
15 years ago
tnx god ay ooooooops... tnx a++ & ascie diay dapat hehehe...
MM Triskelion
15 years ago
mas maayo daw ang samsung no?
MM Triskelion
15 years ago
sa mga magazines kay ang makita nako i-compare sa iphone kay samsung(kalimot ko sa model)
15 years ago
there's a new samsung android phone coming up...
i.am moody says
15 years ago
are you referring to the omnia?
15 years ago
nope, they're calling it Samsung Galaxy, and there's a lot more models coming up
i.am moody says
15 years ago
hahayyzzzz... apple may not have the latest in gizmos but they definitely are the trendsetter. now that's creative technology recycling.
15 years ago
yep, and they have full time evangelists for their products... lots of paid news articles, just to keep them visible all the time
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
iPhone is just like any laptop... its the available Applications that raises the bar. In other words, iPhone is still the best.
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
i carry 3 phones iphone2g, nokia e71 and a BB curve 8900, i jst cant let go of my 2g iphone. mura kog buang, 3 numbers ALL GLOBE (rofl)
i.am moody says
15 years ago
well, the iPhone is indeed a chick/gay magnet bling. have one and eyes/hands are all over you. (tongue)
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
korek! (applause) marketing makes the world go round... without marketing there's no payday or revenue share (worship)
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
No Marketing = No Jobs.
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
yup thats the only downside of iPhone... just like the BB Storm.
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
same as omnia's keyboard.
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
mura ra nag webcam ug actual date ba, lahi ra ng mahimas nimo (rofl)
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
walay pay plurk sa BB yata hehe
i.Ota says
15 years ago
kadaghan ba ninyo fone...
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
hehe sabagay sakto ka diha
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
ma-o nay gi ingon nga... telepono is telepono. palit ug camera kung ganahan ka piktyur piktyur :-D
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
murag sam style ba... ngitag baye kung manguwag. dili dibidi bold bold (lmao)
i.am moody says
15 years ago
15 years ago
mao.. sakto jud tot, it's the apps that's making iphone very good. it's their milking cow actually...
15 years ago
that's why i think they're gonna come down hard against cydia
15 years ago
kung walay apps, i don't if many people will buy iphones
15 years ago
maayo pud kaayo nila pagka market to developers of apps
15 years ago
but they should really stop censoring apps
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
ma-o sad. pero its a corporate image thing on any censorship
i.MoMoL says
15 years ago
being a public company
i.Ota says
15 years ago
grabe na ni na iphone plurk...nosebleed si john wayne ani binasa...pero John wayne ang round trip plane ticket nako for december reunion ha
i.Ota says
15 years ago
ssssshhhh! ayawg saba...hehehe! JW ang ticket...
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