Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
latest #30
usatw says
15 years ago
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
drank to much......but don't wanna go to sleep now
usatw says
15 years ago
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
just hangout with friends
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
are you still working?
usatw says
15 years ago
yeah, but that's normal
usatw says
15 years ago
I'm correcting students' homework
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
so your are a TA?
usatw says
15 years ago
yep, we're short on staff= =
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
I'm not sure how long i can stay.... i don't feel good...
usatw says
15 years ago
dude, you got to do something crazy while you're drunk
usatw says
15 years ago
call a girl..see what happensXD
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
any suggestion?
usatw says
15 years ago
you mean which girl?
usatw says
15 years ago
how about you make a video of you dancing drunk, that would make my day
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
lol, that's not what i meant...I just wanna stay latter
usatw says
15 years ago
it's 3am where you are, what are you waiting for?
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
actually as long as i close my eyes, i will fall asleep in a sec
usatw says
15 years ago
must've been one hell of a party
Joyce Ho says
15 years ago
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
you can say that again.....i guess the best idea now is get some sleep.....
usatw says
15 years ago
不是號稱 "千杯不醉"
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
i drank more than one thousand cups....
usatw says
15 years ago
shot-sized cups?
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
yeap, i drank sth like 金門高粱
usatw says
15 years ago
you're tha man
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
lol, i can't saty any longer....wanna get some sleep now
Jerry Lee says
15 years ago
good night
usatw says
15 years ago
ok, go to bed
usatw says
15 years ago
gud nite
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