From Nana: I need updates on what you guys are doing, if you still want me as a manager. I also need either a demo CD, or updated recordings
latest #26
I also need you guys to evaluate pros and cons about performing at SFDK, so I can see if I should meet with Tim or not.
there was something else... oh. Talk about what you guys think about advertising your band on Craigslist for shows.
And I need you guys to talk to people you know about web design, cause I can't figure out anything anymore about Myspace page designing.
SFDK would be the easiest gig to get. That place NEEDS a good band to balance out the suck.
well, as I said, I wouldn't personally mind playing there. I haven't had a chance to talk to the guys about it yet though
we've had a bit of a hiatus for the past few weeks because david's been busy with BSF
I'll ask around about web design
I know david has stated he doesn't want to play marine world, but who knows, maybe he could be swayed
he and I have very very negative associations with that place due to a previous band incident there
what the band incident was... AND THAT REMINDS ME, speaking of SFDK and BSF, I saw a guy with a Blood Sweat Funk t-shirt and all I could do
and the incident shall not be spoken of.
all I will say is that it involves some band lying to us, and whatever the pop punk band hope kills used to be before "hardcore" became
more popular than pop punk
... I ... understood very little of that lol but okay.
2 bands being douches, basically
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