fdel thinks
15 years ago
how can you say you want to keep it but act the other way around? *bempers mode on*
latest #15
sheraBEY says
15 years ago
hahahaha...been there done that! Justru yg begitu yang bertahan di posisinya ... (lmao)
fdel says
15 years ago
hmmm... so what should mmm... hypotheticaly speaking, a person come accross the case do next? *pingpong mode*
sheraBEY says
15 years ago
huahahahaha...udah pindah ke blok m aja..gw yg dera2 deh! hahaha
sheraBEY says
15 years ago
huusshhh gak boleh nyebut nama...*voldermort mode on*
fdel says
15 years ago
my gosh.... *kena sambaran petir mantra expeliarmus*
15 years ago
fdel been there done that...tapi biasanya ga lama lo dapet tempat yang lebih enak kok...ya ga sher?
sheraBEY says
15 years ago
hahahaha...sini kirim CV ke gw..lagi butuh nih tp need active english..:-)
15 years ago
bisa dooong fdel
fdel says
15 years ago
ding.... you've got a new mail in u'r inbox sherabey...:-P
sheraBEY says
15 years ago
gak sampe tuh?
fdel says
15 years ago
oh iya... alamat emailnya? hehehe... :-D
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