Remember that report we ran before about the 1:1 Gundam in Odaiba?
latest #32
clickyclicky and see for yourself!
oh my GOD!!!
i tell you, the agricultural ministry is devious!
it's not a toy! it's not a toy! run!
XD I heard some people say "until no lasers, not impressed" XD
sira! this is the plot of the japanese military. we forbade them to scale up their forces after WWII so now they have to get innovative!
be careful what you wish for. XDDD Baka magka-beam rifle nga yun. Lagot tayo lahat
so... ikaw si Kaoru?
those chupacabra reports? scaled down models of eva units. :3
or an actual Guyver unit PLEASE
kakatakot naman tachikoma. kahit 1:1 takure. :3
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