OtisBJewelry says
15 years ago
They say you catch more flies with HONEY than with vinegar....but who the heck WANTS FLIES?!?!
latest #13
JustNet says
15 years ago
not me. I had some in my house a few weeks ago.
JustNet says
15 years ago
it made me go crazy on them with lysol, a rolled up newspaper and paper towels. It was ugly.
Gwenny says
15 years ago
actually, vinegar is better than honey, I did an experiment . but water is even better.
kayboogie is
15 years ago
trying to get rid of fruit flies!
15 years ago
hahaha...ahhh :-)
purplequeen says
15 years ago
oh I hate fruit flies, but have been told if you put a slice of orange in a jar, they'll go in & you can then close the jar.
purplequeen says
15 years ago
Also, saw this for my own eyes, if you're out on the porch BBQ'ing and eating outside, take 1 gallon ziplock bags, fill about 1/2 full of
purplequeen says
15 years ago
water & hang them around the area you're eating and the flies will NOT bother you.
purplequeen says
15 years ago
We did this at my Dad's once. We had set up a long table under the carport & put these bags all around and not 1 single fly bothered us
Gwenny wonders
15 years ago
why that works.
purplequeen says
15 years ago
I don't know. I don't know if it distorts their vision so it's intimidating but it was nice to eat outdoors w/no flies
Summer Burtin' says
15 years ago
They do that all over Korea.
kayboogie says
15 years ago
oh wow, thanks for the tip. amazing about the water bags
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