S-HERYL thinks
15 years ago
math is getting interesting! OMG! :-o
latest #8
Carina likes
15 years ago
math too! ;-)
Char Kaulitz says
15 years ago
emath quite boring leh...
Carina says
15 years ago
then amath. Haha!
Char Kaulitz thinks
15 years ago
amath quite fun! I hate core geog when thrs exam. Memorise until siowwww
Carina has
15 years ago
the same problem too.
Char Kaulitz says
15 years ago
ya, our brains cannot store this kind of things la. Like whats the use of all the volcanos n stuff?
Carina wonders
15 years ago
... but no answer comes out.
15 years ago
a craving for a math food
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