ArcadiaBeery is
15 years ago
concerned that I just found out I'm going to blow away from Plurk and not from the news...
latest #6
DizzyD says
15 years ago
At least you're staying informed :-)
15 years ago
I know! (LOL) It's your own private radar!
Kstatemom says
15 years ago
Or Plurk radar!
betz62 says
15 years ago
maybe it is more accurate than radar.
ArcadiaBeery says
15 years ago
It probably is more accurate! At least I know where the alarms are going off...not that it does me a lot of good, I'm stuck at work. :'-(
betz62 says
15 years ago
hopefully you have a place to hide. It isn't doing anything in my corner of SD, but the western and central portion are bracing for storms.
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