chelly says
16 years ago
59 hot dogs and buns in 10 min. GROSS
latest #11
chelly says
16 years ago
OMG a tie. It's an eat off. Holy crap that's alot of hot dogs to eat
16 years ago
wonders how many vomit afterward
16 years ago
ooohhh Maury you are NOT the father is on!
chelly says
16 years ago
I bet they all vomit. I would. You can't digest all that easily
chelly says
16 years ago
DAMN, that's crazy
16 years ago
there is no way they are even digesting that - I hope they all have elastic waist bands on
chelly says
16 years ago
ok 64 hot dogs and buns is just completely crazy. Why would you want that title at all?
16 years ago
cause some people have to excel at something in life in order to feel important?
chelly says
16 years ago
(s_LOL) I guess.
16 years ago
hey it gives their life meaning - just wouldnt want to follow them in a bathroom - just sayin
chelly says
16 years ago
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