DammitDog hates
16 years ago
JenLarkin says
16 years ago
**squishes** (s_cozy)
ArmchairDeity thinks
16 years ago
that the 4th of July was actually invented by Veterinary Psychiatrists looking to make a buck on dogs that have had psychotic breaks
JenLarkin says
16 years ago
she met the sweetest dog on the 4th. She was so precious and sweet and expressive but she had no tongue and had been abused before
JenLarkin says
16 years ago
before being adopted by an Adobe employee that is. Poor sweet puppy. She eventually freaked out because of the fireworks. Then she got loved
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
Awwwwwww, poor puppy. Lucky puppy... cool story!