MistressC says
15 years ago
WOB and BDD...
latest #7
MistressC says
15 years ago
send me the link to the dirty dozen web live thing because its not working in my email
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
idk how to do that all it is is if you want to be on the DD e-mail status updates. its not that important and i think they want you to have
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
a LIVE or HOTMAIL account for it to work. I put you on the website updates tho
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Yeah it didnt work for me either on my yahoo account. I signed up for updates on the front page though
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Not sure if thats working tho
MistressC says
15 years ago
well i already had a live account from my school email...whats the link to the DD website again? i cant find it
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