armchairangel asks
16 years ago
Which is worse....
latest #7
16 years ago
a poopy diaper every time you're up for a feeding at night, or
16 years ago
one GIANT poopy diaper that explodes out the edges and requires extensive clean up?
cara_hannesson says
16 years ago
I'm going to go with the gigantic poopy diaper... been there, done that... and it sucks having to do laundry all the time!
cara_hannesson says
16 years ago
nothing stains quite like baby pooh! (LOL)
RohanPinto says
16 years ago
the former.... it's easier changing diapers than cleaning upa big mess
ArmchairDeity thinks
16 years ago
that CaraBear and Rohan have very a very agreeable perspective. Tho' 2 diapers is more expensive. ;-)
cara_hannesson says
16 years ago
very true... but then so is having to do laundry all the time!!
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