sien sien sien sien sien sien sien sien! BORED..
latest #18
haha.. use jampi lo.. hehe
HUIK! HUIK! cannot worr.. not skilled enough..
haha.. very nice if i can walk as fast as the ninja in naruto.. haih.. but that will never happen..=.=
you master ninjutsu.. maybe then you can..? never say never! hahaha
hahaa yea.. nice lar that ninja.. so syiok.. if i know how to hilangkan diri ah.. when people scold me i cabut lari hahahaXD
hahahaha...who won't want to cabut? takkan let people continue to scold?
haha but if my friend scold me i buat tak tau nia.. then they only lagi angry..
then give them the "i'm listening" look but dont listen lor...
haha.. ajaran sesat.. Joking.. i'll try it.. haha
hahaha.. if too sesat then you better not listen la.. haha coz later you become bad..
zz.. dont worry le.. i always do that.. haha
hahaha.. just dont say i teach you!
haha how come i say you?? i used to do that to my friends.. haha.. they scold me i buat tak tau they only will become more angry mah..
who ask them want scold people so much.. padan muka le.. wakaka!!XD
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