MistressC says
15 years ago
what are peoples thoughts about a contract marriage?
latest #18
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
military type situation??
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
yeah explain
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
or dont cuz no one really cares
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
MistressC says
15 years ago
dont be betch lol
MistressC says
15 years ago
yeah military type situation
MistressC says
15 years ago
i just want to get peoples thoughts on it just something to talk about
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
ah my thoughts are : waste of time, immiral, and wrong.
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
you mean *immoral
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
But yeah, doing it "just cause" that way, is just as bad as marrying someone for a ton of money, just so they can get into the country
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Only the military way has the GOVERNMENT, you know, where our tax dollars go, pay them more, wheras marrying an immigrant for a shit ton
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
comes out of their own pocket
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Not saying either is good, they both SUCK
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Cant say I havent thought about doing myself when I was hard up, but that's just something I don't want on my record
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
Its just a bad idea, unless you are actually into the person and married them faster for this
BigDaddyDanger says
15 years ago
into meaning, actually love and care for the person, not just "interested"
WhoreOfBabylon says
15 years ago
yea immoral it was a typo douchebag
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