ಠ_ಠ偷偷說3 years ago#今天開健身環了嗎! Day343各位有在玩健身環的旅人們走過路過不要錯過 這是一個大家一起鼓勵一起持續下去玩健身環的長期偷偷說 預計每晚發噗歡迎有玩健身環的各位留言紀錄自己每天辛苦下的成果 當然想要閒聊也是完全沒問題喔 18 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses puppy5906 human1268 human1268 apple859 kiwi8240 monkey6644 peanut2014 toast6353 moose5110 toast9671 finch5663 dragon2644 falcon1173 cream4934 monkey8762 lamb7187 pie3105 monkey284 Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks