生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
【悲報】熱浪席捲 希臘面臨30年來最高溫 - 德國之聲
Greece faces worst heat wave in over three decades |...Greece suffering 'worst heatwave in 30 years' - temp...
Turkey wildfires: Eight dead as blazes sweep through...【更新】定義土耳其大火的照片
The photo that has come to define Turkey’s wildfires
#氣候變遷 #極端天氣 #氣象異常 #全球暖化 #溫室效應 #森林大火
Greece faces worst heat wave in over three decades |...Greece suffering 'worst heatwave in 30 years' - temp...
Turkey wildfires: Eight dead as blazes sweep through...【更新】定義土耳其大火的照片
The photo that has come to define Turkey’s wildfires
#氣候變遷 #極端天氣 #氣象異常 #全球暖化 #溫室效應 #森林大火