生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
【朗報】科學家發現能夠讓女人感覺不到痛感的基因突變 - 衛報頭版頭條
Scientists find genetic mutation that makes woman fe...從一位71歲女士Jo Cameron身上的發現,可望有助於研發新的疼痛舒緩方式。
The woman who doesn't feel painWoman with novel gene mutation feels no pain - studyScientists discover genetic mutation that helps bloc...
研究論文:Microdeletion in a FAAH pseudogene identified in a p...
#痛覺 #神經 #醫療研發 #醫學研究 #DNA #變種
Scientists find genetic mutation that makes woman fe...從一位71歲女士Jo Cameron身上的發現,可望有助於研發新的疼痛舒緩方式。
The woman who doesn't feel painWoman with novel gene mutation feels no pain - studyScientists discover genetic mutation that helps bloc...
研究論文:Microdeletion in a FAAH pseudogene identified in a p...
#痛覺 #神經 #醫療研發 #醫學研究 #DNA #變種