【英國】一百萬人參加了上週六的倫敦反脫歐大遊行 - 觀察家周報頭版專刊頭條
One million join march against Brexit as Tories plan...'People’s vote' march: up close with anti-Brexit pro...
歐洲媒體如何報導反脫歐大遊行?開心的呢! European media delight in covering anti-Brexit march 媒體焦點將這場抗爭視為梅伊政府的失敗

本次抗爭招牌精選48 48 of the best signs from the People's Vote marchPut it to the People march: a formidable sea of huma...‘I'm fed up with hearing May talk about who voted to... As hundreds of thousands march in London, what next ...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwv/izn/IBlRyqJ0ZsjtScMgf2sqP9FTaHS_mt.jpg
#Brexit英國脫歐 #遊行 #示威 #抗議