【轉型正義】北愛爾蘭血腥星期日 英國只起訴一名士兵 - 衛報國內版頭條
One soldier to face charges over Bloody Sunday killi...
受害者家屬:我原本想要說早安,但我說不出來。調查還不夠廣。 Relatives of victims react to Bloody Sunday charges只有一人被起訴?!人們備感身心交瘁 'People were devastated': relatives of Bloody Sunday...本報看血腥星期日起訴:遲來但必須 The Guardian view on the Bloody Sunday prosecution: ...血腥星期日起訴 測驗北愛的正義Bloody Sunday trial will test limits of justice in N...北愛檢察署:調查證據不足,所以只有一人被起訴 Prosecutors explain Bloody Sunday murder charges aga...時間軸:Bloody Sunday timeline: from 1972 killings to charge... How a protest about internment in Northern Ireland l...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwv/qIG/zujEBdKIpAuuL7j72Id6kZNfFxc_lg.jpg