生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
【倫敦】近70萬人上街頭遊行 要求脫歐協議應有"人民的選票" - 觀察者週報頭版頭條
Almost 700,000 march to demand ‘people’s vote’ on Br...這場示威活動是自從2003年反伊拉克抗議以來最大的一場
Why the lies, Boris? The best banners at march for P...滿滿的梗wwww
I won’t be marching for a people’s vote. There has a... Protest placard suggests Brexit will be a bullet in ...#Brexit英國脫歐 #政客的謊言
Almost 700,000 march to demand ‘people’s vote’ on Br...這場示威活動是自從2003年反伊拉克抗議以來最大的一場
Why the lies, Boris? The best banners at march for P...滿滿的梗wwww
I won’t be marching for a people’s vote. There has a... Protest placard suggests Brexit will be a bullet in ...#Brexit英國脫歐 #政客的謊言