彼得:You put a tracker in my suit?
東尼:I put everything in your suit. Including this. (按除濕加熱器)
東尼:And this (按自動剪指甲裝置) and this(小腿按摩器) this(隨身可樂機) this(跳出現烤吐司) this(蜘蛛裝眼前出現哀帕選曲功能) and...
彼得:Mr. Stark you really overdid it.
彼得:You put a tracker in my suit?
東尼:I put everything in your suit. Including this. (按除濕加熱器)
東尼:And this (按自動剪指甲裝置) and this(小腿按摩器) this(隨身可樂機) this(跳出現烤吐司) this(蜘蛛裝眼前出現哀帕選曲功能) and...
彼得:Mr. Stark you really overdid it.