生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
土耳其與希臘交界發生6.7地震 200傷2死 - 衛報實況串 / 衛報頭版頭條
Turkey and Greece hit by strong earthquake: two dead and 200 inju...
Earthquake in Turkey and Greece leaves at least two dead in Kos
The earthquake affected several popular tourist site...希臘
A building near Bodrum was damaged by the quake.
Pho... 土耳其
#地中海板塊 #安納托利亞板塊 #愛琴海 #希臘島區 #強震
Turkey and Greece hit by strong earthquake: two dead and 200 inju...
Earthquake in Turkey and Greece leaves at least two dead in Kos
The earthquake affected several popular tourist site...希臘
A building near Bodrum was damaged by the quake.
Pho... 土耳其
#地中海板塊 #安納托利亞板塊 #愛琴海 #希臘島區 #強震