生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
"羞辱[蕩婦]"? LGPA推出新的女子服裝規定 禁止高爾夫球場上有火辣衣裝遭砲轟 - 衛報體育版 (當日點閱率第三名)
LPGA accused of 'slut-shaming' over new women's golf...深領、緊身褲、裸露性裙子都不能穿。說真的啦,穿什麼是人家的自由好嗎?
Female Golfers Are No Longer Allowed to Wear LEGGING...LPGA alerts players that a stricter dress code is co...#球場性別歧視 #刻板印象 #物化與逆物化女性 #V領 #裸露衣物汙名化 #佛印名言
LPGA accused of 'slut-shaming' over new women's golf...深領、緊身褲、裸露性裙子都不能穿。說真的啦,穿什麼是人家的自由好嗎?
Female Golfers Are No Longer Allowed to Wear LEGGING...LPGA alerts players that a stricter dress code is co...#球場性別歧視 #刻板印象 #物化與逆物化女性 #V領 #裸露衣物汙名化 #佛印名言