生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
「管他的(,豁出去了)」當法拉吉在歐洲議會發言時 這位工黨歐洲議會議員舉牌「他在說謊!」抗議嗆聲 - 衛報
I had a 'screw it' moment, says MEP who held sign up be...
‘He’s lying to you’: why I held that sign up behind Nigel Farage ...Nigel Farage Trolled European Parliament. "He's lyin...#UKIP #英國極右派騙子嘴臉 #亂入 #Brexit英國脫歐公投 #無聲的嗆聲
I had a 'screw it' moment, says MEP who held sign up be...
‘He’s lying to you’: why I held that sign up behind Nigel Farage ...Nigel Farage Trolled European Parliament. "He's lyin...#UKIP #英國極右派騙子嘴臉 #亂入 #Brexit英國脫歐公投 #無聲的嗆聲