生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
致命的矛盾:不能同時當個民粹主義者與自由市場保守主義者 - 經濟學人
Fatal contradictions: You can’t be both a populist a...
Both Theresa May and Donald Trump are sending out mixed messages. They face two problems: how to keep both the markets and their supporters satisfied.
Theresa May set to travel to US for Donald Trump talks next week
#右派排外 #Brexit英國脫歐公投 #美國總統大選2016 #川普總統 #自由貿易

Both Theresa May and Donald Trump are sending out mixed messages. They face two problems: how to keep both the markets and their supporters satisfied.
Theresa May set to travel to US for Donald Trump talks next week
#右派排外 #Brexit英國脫歐公投 #美國總統大選2016 #川普總統 #自由貿易