生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
旅遊遭干擾數日後 英國陸續有零下氣溫與濃霧來襲 - 衛報
Freezing fog and ice cause more travel disruption across UK
Coach overturns in heavy fog on motorway slip road in OxfordshireThe Oxfordshire countryside, near Playhatch, was car...高速公路還發生公車/遊覽車翻車、20輛車連環車禍等案例...
#極端氣象 #道路交通安全 #冰霧
Freezing fog and ice cause more travel disruption across UK
Coach overturns in heavy fog on motorway slip road in OxfordshireThe Oxfordshire countryside, near Playhatch, was car...高速公路還發生公車/遊覽車翻車、20輛車連環車禍等案例...
#極端氣象 #道路交通安全 #冰霧