生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
14名已同性婚英國國教牧師 呼籲全國各地主教應主導帶領教會包容LGBT同志教徒 - 衛報
Fourteen gay Anglican priests urge bishops to take lead on inclus...
第一名出櫃的英格蘭國教會主教/被報紙威脅曝光性向 格蘭瑟姆主教乾脆直接公開自己是同性戀
Bishop of Grantham first C of E bishop to declare he is in gay re...Nicholas Chamberlain, the bishop of Grantham, is the...+
「同志已被教會打得遍體麟傷到心碎了」 利物浦資深主教:英格蘭教會應改革 對同志持更友善態度
Senior bishop calls for change in C of E attitudes to gay people
Fourteen gay Anglican priests urge bishops to take lead on inclus...
第一名出櫃的英格蘭國教會主教/被報紙威脅曝光性向 格蘭瑟姆主教乾脆直接公開自己是同性戀
Bishop of Grantham first C of E bishop to declare he is in gay re...Nicholas Chamberlain, the bishop of Grantham, is the...+
「同志已被教會打得遍體麟傷到心碎了」 利物浦資深主教:英格蘭教會應改革 對同志持更友善態度
Senior bishop calls for change in C of E attitudes to gay people