生活中找樂趣 says
繼中止生產後 三星暫停Note 7銷售 並警告用戶「把它給關機」 - 衛報
Sales of Galaxy Note 7 halted as users warned to 'turn it of...
三星必須盡快止血 避免廠牌名聲跟著炸掉
Samsung must act fast to keep an exploding phone from blowing up ...

Galaxy Note 7: what to do with Samsung's potentially explodi...
#實驗慢放影片 #燒焦的手機
Sales of Galaxy Note 7 halted as users warned to 'turn it of...
三星必須盡快止血 避免廠牌名聲跟著炸掉
Samsung must act fast to keep an exploding phone from blowing up ...

Galaxy Note 7: what to do with Samsung's potentially explodi...
#實驗慢放影片 #燒焦的手機