生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
柯賓:必須排除任何削減移民的承諾 - 衛報
Jeremy Corbyn rules out pledge to cut immigrationJeremy Corbyn repeatedly said during the referendum ...+
柯賓黨魁連任成功 不過失去了(老屁股充斥的)多數NEC國家執行委員會成員支持
Jeremy Corbyn loses majority support of Labour NEC
If you can’t beat Jeremy Corbyn, you’d better try to learn from h...
#英國工黨 #外籍人才 #自由遷徙 #右派排外
Jeremy Corbyn rules out pledge to cut immigrationJeremy Corbyn repeatedly said during the referendum ...+
柯賓黨魁連任成功 不過失去了(老屁股充斥的)多數NEC國家執行委員會成員支持
Jeremy Corbyn loses majority support of Labour NEC
If you can’t beat Jeremy Corbyn, you’d better try to learn from h...
#英國工黨 #外籍人才 #自由遷徙 #右派排外