生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
<911攻擊15年> 被恐懼包圍 攝影師:這張照片改變了我一生
Amid the horror of 9/11, taking this photograph chan...Suzanne Plunkett’s photoㄒgraph of people escaping as...
9/11 belongs to compassion': Congress marks 15th ann...The House speaker, Paul Ryan, described the terroris...
國會通過法案 讓911受害者家屬能夠控告沙烏地皇室 - 衛報
Congress approves bill to allow 9/11 families to sue...The rubble of the World Trade Center smoulders follo...
#美國 #恐怖攻擊 #憐憫之心 #同情心
Amid the horror of 9/11, taking this photograph chan...Suzanne Plunkett’s photoㄒgraph of people escaping as...
9/11 belongs to compassion': Congress marks 15th ann...The House speaker, Paul Ryan, described the terroris...
國會通過法案 讓911受害者家屬能夠控告沙烏地皇室 - 衛報
Congress approves bill to allow 9/11 families to sue...The rubble of the World Trade Center smoulders follo...
#美國 #恐怖攻擊 #憐憫之心 #同情心