生活中找樂趣 says
美軍戰機棄敘利亞反抗軍於沙漠不顧 接著他們就被伊斯蘭國擊敗了 - 華盛頓郵報
U.S. jets abandoned Syrian rebels in the desert. Then they lost a...

The Kremlin: Obama agrees to more military coordination in Syria

Battles rage across Aleppo as Assad regime fights to quell rebels
#美國 #約旦 #英國 #金援資助 #ISIL #歐巴馬 #俄國克林姆宮 #身高差
U.S. jets abandoned Syrian rebels in the desert. Then they lost a...

The Kremlin: Obama agrees to more military coordination in Syria

Battles rage across Aleppo as Assad regime fights to quell rebels
#美國 #約旦 #英國 #金援資助 #ISIL #歐巴馬 #俄國克林姆宮 #身高差