生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
大走回頭路?梅伊推文法學校捲土重來 遭各界重批 - 衛報
Theresa May's grammar schools plan faces cross-party backlas...
Grammar schools aren’t fit for the world of the future | Paul Mas...‘The type of person typically produced by uniform an...+
I was a working-class grammar school pupil – our success is built...
#均質化與去除獨立思考能力 #愚民化 #教育議題 #保守黨 #英國社會議題 #平等 #11Plus
Theresa May's grammar schools plan faces cross-party backlas...
Grammar schools aren’t fit for the world of the future | Paul Mas...‘The type of person typically produced by uniform an...+
I was a working-class grammar school pupil – our success is built...
#均質化與去除獨立思考能力 #愚民化 #教育議題 #保守黨 #英國社會議題 #平等 #11Plus