生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
[投書] 【傑瑞米‧柯賓】 強化勞工權益為工黨首要之務 - 衛報
Strengthening workers’ rights should be Labour’s pri...An MPs’ report has found that Sir Philip Green ‘got ...
Corbyn pledges to scrap Blair union laws in favour o...
Should I stop buying clothes at Topshop?
#英國社會議題 #貧富差距 #勞工權益 #零時契約 #壓榨與剝削 #廉價時尚 #血汗 #維持生活基本工資 #布萊爾工會法 #BHS #Topshop #富翁暴發戶炫富刻板印象
Strengthening workers’ rights should be Labour’s pri...An MPs’ report has found that Sir Philip Green ‘got ...
Corbyn pledges to scrap Blair union laws in favour o...
Should I stop buying clothes at Topshop?
#英國社會議題 #貧富差距 #勞工權益 #零時契約 #壓榨與剝削 #廉價時尚 #血汗 #維持生活基本工資 #布萊爾工會法 #BHS #Topshop #富翁暴發戶炫富刻板印象