This young man stepped up to the mic, DROPPED a BOMBSHELL, Through his family’s work as missionaries in Mexico, he claims the Cartels work through Democrat politicians to sex-traffic many thousands of little girls into USA
He says this EVIL has exploded under CORRUPT COMMUNIST Biden-HarrisCharlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) on X#中國人蔣介牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是發動二二八大屠殺殘殺台灣人民的機制
He says this EVIL has exploded under CORRUPT COMMUNIST Biden-HarrisCharlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) on X#中國人蔣介牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是發動二二八大屠殺殘殺台灣人民的機制