etingcai 寫
You should pay attention to the degree of modesty, otherwise it will be excessive.
🎁modesty 谦逊
🎁humility 謙虛
🎁too much is too much 過猶不及
🎁excessive 过高的/过分
像我覺得謙虛有一點點out of fashion。但’不崇尚過度謙虛’跟’認同自大’是兩回事。
You should pay attention to the degree of modesty, otherwise it will be excessive.
🎁modesty 谦逊
🎁humility 謙虛
🎁too much is too much 過猶不及
🎁excessive 过高的/过分
像我覺得謙虛有一點點out of fashion。但’不崇尚過度謙虛’跟’認同自大’是兩回事。