sfbluepan Last edited 7 months ago智力分析is Gerald Robotnik really that smart - Google Search@sfbluepan - 持續查詢各種理論想破頭Silver到底是怎麼穿越時空並不受時空悖論影響,卻忽略...@sfbluepan - 可能連官方都過於忽視並低估Sonic的智力和深度,愛好冒險的他擁有敏銳的空間感...how smart is Metal Sonic - Google Search@sfbluepan - 個人Sonic世界戰力排行: 1. SEGA或編劇、混沌翡翠(任何變身都算在這... 2 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 小螃蟹爪 siloin: 看起來林連medical certificate都沒交,所以沒有資格參賽,何來什麼WB潛規則?siloin: WB就寫明了90天前就要交卷,你臨時跑去說要當地驗,WB回覆已過期限不受理,被你們說成是刻意刁難潛規則? 小螃蟹爪 Vic (@vkrum6870) on X Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks