穆斯林禁令已經讓美國越來越靠近憲政危機了 - 衛報評論
The Muslim ban has brought the US close to constitut...
代理檢察總長葉姿抗命穆斯林旅客禁令 竟遭川普指「背叛司法部」並開除 - 衛報
Sally Yates fired by Trump after acting US attorney ...越來越扯了

How war on Islam became central to the Trump doctrin...
Backlash against Trump migration order grows as Obam...Ellen DeGeneres hits back at Trump by explaining Fin...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuX/lr5/l4Vx1tC2eFIwu32TGM2A0TtdIR3_lg.jpeg #種族歧視 #白人至上主義者恐伊斯蘭反穆斯林歪理嘴臉