生活中找樂趣 says
領導「新烏克蘭」的貪腐與偏執仇恨 西方國家持續觀望中 - 新東方網路 - 衛報
The west looks on as corruption and bigotry rule in ...Activists throw tires as they block the entrance of ...
East Ukraine: on the frontline of Europe's forgotten...#歐美 #東歐 #俄羅斯 #俄國 #種族歧視 #排外 #活動人士用輪胎封鎖 #英國
The west looks on as corruption and bigotry rule in ...Activists throw tires as they block the entrance of ...
East Ukraine: on the frontline of Europe's forgotten...#歐美 #東歐 #俄羅斯 #俄國 #種族歧視 #排外 #活動人士用輪胎封鎖 #英國